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Brandon Jarrett MusicThe process of working with Director Julia Zanin and Producer Tommie Retter on 8 Flies was nothing short of magic. Connecting the music with the mysterious, sightly devious and yet heroic sensibilities of the narrative was a delicate dance that we spent many hours talking with each other about. I found that writing the score for this film was like traveling down a road that you thought you knew where you were going, but when you got to the end of it, it’s really the beginning of a road that you didn’t even know was there. They really gave me the creative freedom to play with combining orchestral and synthesizer production to bring out the suspense, underline the unknown danger and foreshadow the upcoming adventure. It ’s been a complete joy to be a part of this film and post production team!
8 Flies pilot will be starting its festival run this summer starting with the New York Film Festival.